George Reeves
The last photos...

George and Lenore Lemmon posed for these photos
less than a week before his death.

We've all seen the photo of him sitting on his front steps, gray hair, and not smiling.
Some people have said that this was a depressed George Reeves because he didn't have his almost trademark smile.

However, here's a photo of him standing at his front door the very same day and wearing the same clothes... and smiling.

photo of George standing by his front door.

I find these photos to be somewhat fascinating. They show a George Reeves who is not depressed.
They show a man who is apparently trying to change his image and move forward... beyond Superman.

Just days later, George would be dead from a gunshot wound.

To this day, people still wonder, was it suicide, or murder?

I have said, along with just about everyone else,
that George had changed his mind about marrying Lenore.
She was a party girl and probably a gold digger.
Her given name was Lenore but she chose Leonore as her stage name.
Many newspaper articles in the 1940's and 50's referred to her as Leonore.

Sure, they had been seen arguing the night he died.
But perhaps many of us, including myself, may be absolutely wrong.
George told Henry Gris and others that he loved Lenore and intended on marrying her.

See the next photo of the two of them. I have never seen this photo before.
While neither is actually smiling, they look happy together.

photo of George and Leonore.

Regardless, his death took place during an angry argument.
Whether you call her Lenore or Leonore,
she and George Reeves were two people who should never have met.
They had a Hollywood love story that was doomed...

Here's a photo of George and his rifle collection, in his den.
He may have had only one pistol, the Luger that killed him.
The gun originally belonged to Eddie Mannix.
Toni gave it to George.
photo of George standing in front of three rifles 
displayed on the wall of his den.

We've all seen this photo of George and his 1959 Oldsmobile.
It's a good photo. In fact, it's a very good photo of a happy man.
Notice the temporary license plate. He had just bought it.

photo of George standing by his car. He's smiling.

But this is the photo of George that I find most appealing.
He's holding a glass of 'Stock 84 Brandy' (from the bottle on the side).
This was a respected brandy in 1959, just as it still is today.
Researcher Chuck Harter interviewed a witness who said that George was drinking brandy at Paul's Steakhouse,
on his final night out. Since he had a bottle of Stock 84 in his den, it's very possible that's
what he was drinking at the piano bar, while Leonore walked around 'entertaining' the other customers.

This is my favorite photo.

photo of George, not smiling, just looking into 
the camera while holding a glass of brandy.

These are the last photos ever taken of George,
(with the exception of him in his casket, which should never have been released publicly).
These are important photos. They are saying something.
They show a man who is happy and ready to move forward.

Several of the photos (duplicates) were previously sold to collectors
and have appeared in books and websites,
but I was not aware that they were all taken on the same day.

The photos were taken by former child actor Billy Seay.
In the early 1950's he began a new career as a painter and photographer.

These photos show a George Reeves, just days before his death,
who is happy and with no thoughts of killing himself.

Certainly, he was being pulled in different directions.
A proposed tour of Australia was just sitting there, going nowhere.
There was talk of filming an additional 26 episodes, and it also was going nowhere.
Of course, he and Lenore were planning to be married...

"I was a party girl!"
That's a direct quote from Lenore Lemmon.

Wild Woman

Lenore Lemmon

A Hollywood story...

Wild Woman

I have researched the George Reeves case for many years.
This is my main George Reeves website.

Here's my Lenore (Leonore) Lemmon page.

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